
Every Child Learns Differently & How You Can Help

As parents, you want to help your child get the most out of their education, but that’s often easier said than done. A large part of this is because every child learns differently. Generally, these are broken down into seven different learning styles.

  • Visual: Pictures, images, and spatial understanding work best.
  • Aural: Sounds and music are more effective learning tools.
  • Verbal: Whether it’s in speech or writing, words tend to work the best.
  • Physical: Understanding is best when using hands and the sense of touch.
  • Logical: Learning focuses on logic, systems, and reasoning.
  • Social: Learning is more effective in groups or around people.
  • Solitary: Learning is more effective when done independently.

Most children don’t fall into just one of these styles. They have a combination of multiple styles with varying levels of importance. It’s impossible to find a single educational style that is ideal for all students, not to mention additional challenges that arise with learning disabilities or areas of advancement.

What You Can Do as a Parent

Your child’s education isn’t limited to just when they’re at school. Before your children start kindergarten, preschools can help them get a good grasp of basics. Once they’re in school, after school programs can help them work on what they’re learning and provide a different environment to stimulate their interest.

When you’re searching for the right childcare provider, review their curriculum and see how it includes different learning styles. Good programs and curriculums will offer a variety of approaches for children to fit their unique mix of learning styles.

Dealing with Learning Disorders

Learning disorders can be diagnosed independently of learning styles. Learning disorders should be accommodated to help all students continue to improve and achieve their best. While they may progress at a different rate or in a different way than their peers, there is no reason for students with learning disorders to be left behind.

Keep this in mind if your child has been diagnosed with a learning disorder, or shows signs of having one. High-quality childcare programs are prepared to work with most learning disorders. Teachers can often help families and physicians recognize the signs and identify potential issues when their students are having trouble.

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