Toddlers are curious and eager to explore it all. Whether it’s a new toy or a new environment, everything is worthy of close examination to a toddler.
In the Toddlers Classrooms, we explore numbers, formulate language, discover musical and artistic abilities, while absorbing the world around them.
Success in School
- Uses simple words and phrases to communicate through gestures.
- Counts the number sequence 1-5.
- Demonstrates curiosity and asks for more information.
- Develops gross motor control along with coordination and balance.
- Experiments with vocalizations, sounds and instruments.
Success in Life
- Follows directions given.
- Uses communication skills to resolve conflicts.
- Builds and imitates friendship skills.
- Shows independence by occasionally resisting adult support.
- Demonstrates empathy towards others.
Toddler Care Offered At The Weston Schools