
Indy Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Tinesha

 indy_jan_teacherspotlightWhy did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center?

“The staff was so welcoming and friendly, I had just moved here from Illinois and everyone was so helpful”

What is your favorite activity to do with the children?

“Painting-we do a lot of painting, I love to see them get excited about the new items I give them to paint with. I like to incorporate different sensory objects to give the children a full scope of learning.”

What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education?

“I have an Associates in Art and Child Care along with a CDA, I am currently perusing my Bachelor’s degree Early Childhood”

What is your favorite thing about ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center?

“The Precious Status, in my past work experience I have always used paper updates, I thought the use of technology for the parents to see and hear about how their child was learning was great”

 What are your hobbies?

“Fashion, I like decorating my house”