
As strange as it may seem, summer break is already nearing its end. Parents across the country are preparing to send kids back to either an actual school or online learning, and that means developing new back-to-school routines that work best for everybody.  Any parent knows that trying to meet challenges as they arise is a recipe for disaster. Planning is an important part of raising children, and going back to school any year, but especially this year, is no exception. To make sure you cover all your bases, these are

While the most obvious and important priority in your life right now is keeping yourself and your family safe, social distancing has a few smaller, less apparent dangers, including bad habits becoming much easier to fall into. The same goes for your children.  With everyone home all the time, it can get exhausting trying to make sure everyone is spending their free time well, eating nutritious meals, and getting their work and school done. To help, we’ve come up with some of the best ways to build healthy habits during social

The coronavirus COVID-19 continues to sweep the globe and even as the curve begins to flatten, the virus is not gone. More than that, the noise around and about this virus continues to get louder, often becoming not only frightening but difficult to discern in its accuracy. It’s already challenging enough for adults to figure out how to act and feel, let alone a child.  Speaking to your children about the coronavirus can sound like a tall order – and it is! – but it’s also crucial. Children are extremely receptive

The highest priority for everyone during this difficult time is keeping their family as safe as possible by following the CDC guidelines, wearing protective gear, and washing their hands and surfaces. However, beyond your family’s physical health, it’s also vital to do everything you can to protect your mental health as well.  For children, this can be even more challenging, as children are less predictable. They don’t know their own feelings like adults do, and it’s much harder for someone young to handle the uncertainty and fear that comes with something

It’s difficult for a child – especially a toddler – to understand what gratitude is, and why they should feel it in the first place. With a lack of perspective as to just how massive the world is, along with just how much their parents give them, it’s up to those same parents to teach them to be grateful, and starting at a young age goes a long way.  Today on our blog, with Thanksgiving coming up, we’ll dive into why teaching your toddler to show appreciation and return kindness at

It’s getting chilly and the kids are restless! Time to bundle up, plan a few fun activities, and get all the energy out. In this series, we’re going to highlight some of the best places to go in each of our location cities. Today, we start with Avon, Indiana. Enjoy these outdoor and indoor spots that are perfect for young children and families! 1. Washington Township Park 435 Whipple Lane, Avon, IN 46123 Parents and grandparents love taking the little ones to the beautiful Washington Township Park in Avon, Indiana. From paved trails and

Being a parent is one of the greatest accomplishments a person will ever achieve in their life.  With parenthood comes lots of decisions, some of which will pale in comparison to others. Some decisions, such as where you choose to send your child to preschool, will have an impact for years to come.  The hope is that the preschool you choose for your child will have a positive impact, not only in their educational success, but also in their social, emotional, and overall well being.  The ABCs and 123s Learning

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center?   “Being able to work with kids keeps the sunshine in my life, and knowing I can make a difference is a huge deal to me.” What is your favorite activity to do with the children?   “I like to be able to act like a kid myself and have fun throughout the day!” What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education?   “I have completed my CDA and will be renewing it soon. I look forward to learning more through  trainings

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? "I choose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center because I love children. When I went and sat in a class, I know then that this was the place for me.” What is your favorite activity to do with the children? "My favorite activity to do with the children is painting." What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? "I’m currently in my last year of college, I would like to be a probation officer for teens and I want to

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? "Because it seemed like a grounded learning facility." What is your favorite activity to do with the children? "Look who came to school today. It gives the children chance to listen to other students and gets them moving first thing in the morning." What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? "Within the next year, work toward my Associate in Early Childhood Education and will be earning my CDA within the next three months." What is your favorite thing about